Baby this love, Ill never let it die
Cant be touched by no one, Id like to see him try
Im a mad man for your touch
Girl, Ive lost control
Im gonna make this last forever
Dont tell me its impossible
Cause I love you for infinity
I love you for infinity
Cause I love you for infinity
I love you for infinity
Oh darling, my soul
You know it aches for yours
And youve been filling this hole since you were born
Cause youre the reason I believe in fate
Youre my paradise
And Ill do anything to be your love, or be your sacrifice
Cause I love you for infinity
I love you for infinity
Cause I love you for infinity
I love you for infinity
Meet me at the bottom of the ocean
Where the time is frozen
Where all the universe is open
Love isnt random, we are chosen
And we could wear the same crown
Keep slowing your heart down
We are the gods now
Cause I love you for infinity
I love you for infinity
Cause I love you for infinity
I love you for infinity
2024-11-11 / 62.6M
2024-11-11 / 226.2M
2024-11-11 / 77.3M
2024-11-11 / 130.1M
2024-11-11 / 34.6M
2024-11-11 / 43.3M
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